Review by Jan:

I have posted this review once already on our Not Your Ordinary Book Group blog, so for those of you who follow both blogs please forgive the redundancy. Our book group lately has been choosing books that lean toward contemporary fiction, like
The French Gardener. This is the May read for our book group. We do have book group copies available that are not on our catalog, both in eReader and book format. If you would like a copy, please let us know.
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First I will begin by saying I
fell in love with the environment of this story. It's set on an English country
estate, with neglected gardens, stone bridge covered streams, and an abandoned
cottage complete with a scrapbook filled with secrets. It reads more like
contemporary fiction, or women's fiction, rather than a typical romance.
It begins
with Miranda Lambert, an ex-Londoner and writer who we soon learn is not
entirely happy living in the country as she secretly sobs in her closet over her
unused Jimmy Choos. Her husband, a banker, travels from London to spend the
weekends with her and their two children. She is a posh socialite more
comfortable in the city than the country that she now inhabits. Her children
are lonely and unhappy, starving for attention; her son acts out in aggressive
ways, torturing the neighbor's poor donkey and biting classmates.
I was
drawn to champion this woman as soon as her husband hit the pages. David is
arrogant, belittles his wife, and having an affair with her best friend! On his
weekends home, he watches golf and ignores his family. Miranda, after a
scolding from her husband to "get it together", hires a cook, housekeeper, and a
mysterious French gardener. While cleaning out an abandoned cottage on the
estate, she discovers a journal written by the previous owner who was lovingly
called Shrub by her husband. The journal chronicles Shrub's love affair with
her own French gardener that happened thirty years prior.
We soon learn
that Shrub's French gardener in the past is also Miranda's French gardener in
the present; Jean-Paul is older but still handsome. The gardener returned for
Shrub but found a troubled family in her place. In honor of his lost love,
Jean-Paul agrees to stay and rebuild the overgrown garden. As the garden comes
back to life so does the family who lives amongst its magical surroundings, and
as Miranda reads the secret journal readers also journey through a forbidden
love story.
This book intertwines two story lines quite nicely. I will
say I enjoyed this book despite the heavy influence of infidelity throughout,
both in the past and present. Shrub's affair in the past helps Miranda forgive
her own husband's infidelity in the present, so while the affairs
are distasteful, there are lessons learned. It is a story filled with secret
discoveries, forbidden love, and human weakness. The setting is exquisite, a
gardener's ultimate dream, and the cast is fun and quirky. The only other
spoiler I will give is that I think it wrapped up the French gardener's
storyline in a satisfactory way. I enjoyed the journey of Miranda and her
family toward happiness and forgiveness, although I wouldn't have minded if she
had punished her husband just a tad longer before allowing him back
Hope to see you in our library someday soon,