Fell the Angels by John Kerr is a murder mystery based on a true story, the
Charles Bravo murders in the mid 19th century. It is a novel involving deception and greed
and a bit of passion. Cecelia was from
a well to do family but she had made a bad marriage to a brutal alcoholic. The only way she could separate from him and
still appear respectable was to go to a type of spa. Once there, she found she liked the
atmosphere and promptly started an affair with the married director. While this sounds scandalous she was separated from her husband and the
doctor’s wife had been institutionalized for many years. However, once Cecelia’s affair became public her reputation was
ruined. It was thought the only way to
save her from complete social oblivion was for her to marry well. Her second husband was willing to deal with
her sullied reputation since he himself had an affair that resulted in a
child. Plus her attractiveness to him
was enhanced by her fortune. Cecilia
was forward thinking and canny, she took
advantage of a recently enacted law where she could go to keep her fortune if the
marriage did not work. Charles was presented with a pre-nup to sign. Charles was not pleased but he was a
shady character and perhaps had a plan to get her fortune in another manner. Spoiler alert—The marriage was only 4
months old when Charles became very ill with a mysterious illness and after
lingering for three day he dies. The
original murder on which the story is based is never solved but author Kerr
neatly wraps this one up. This is an
enjoyable and fast paced novel.